Alan Walker Lifeline Lyrics | Feat Lova

Alan Walker Lifeline Lyrics

Alan Walker Lifeline Lyrics | Feat Lova (Basic Details)

Basic Information
Song Lifeline
Singer Lova
Album Neon Nights

Alan Walker Lifeline Lyrics | Feat Lova (Full Details)

Lifeline This is a brand new song. Performed By Lova,This song has been released on Alan Walker Official YouTube channel on Date 08/08/2024. new EP ‘Neon Nights’ is out now, Wake Up Beautiful Nightmare (feat. Bludnymph) Lifeline (feat. Lova) Club Leclerc (Racers Mix).

Alan Walker Lifeline Lyrics | Feat Lova (Wtach Video)

Alan Walker Lifeline Lyrics | Feat Lova (Full Lyrics )


Lost in your eyes tonight
Searching for a guiding light
Falling into you

My mind gets dark so I
Diving in my alibi
Swimming in the blue

I don’t dive into the sea
Because every time I jump it pulls me deep
I’ll tell you that I’ll be fine, but I’ll be telling a lie
I was kind of hoping for a lifeline

I don’t go into the waves
Because every time they crash I don’t feel safe
Yeah, I’m a little scared to put my life on the line
I was kind of hoping you’re a

I was kind of hoping you’re a lifeline
I was kind of hoping you’re a lifeline

I’m calling out your name
Can you hear me through the wind and rain
I’m really hoping that you do

Because now my heart starts to race
Pick up the pace
Thoughts in my head
Wish I could forget
But I’m bound to you
Can you pull me through

I don’t dive into the sea
Because every time I jump it pulls me deep
I’ll tell you I’ll be fine, but I’ll be telling a lie
I was kind of hoping for a lifeline

I don’t go into the waves
Because every time they crash I don’t feel safe
Yeah, I’m a little scared to put my life on the line
I was kind of hoping you’re a lifeline

I was kind of hoping you’re a lifeline
I was kind of hoping you’re a lifeline

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