Ali Gatie Therapy Lyrics

Ali Gatie Therapy Lyrics

Ali Gatie Therapy Lyrics (Basic Details)

Ali Gatie Therapy Lyrics (Full Details)

Therapy This is a brand new song. sung By Ali Gatie, This song has been released on Ali Gatie Office YouTube channel on 28/June/2024 which is written by Ali Gatie, Directed By : JakeTheShooter Music : Ali Gatie, Lable : Ali Gatie.

Ali Gatie Therapy Lyrics (Wtach Video)

Ali Gatie Therapy Lyrics (Full Lyrics )


I thought I knew what real love was

but that was before I met you

Before I met you

I thought all I had was enough

But that was before I met you


Even if they told me a million lies

Ain’t soul on earth that could change my mind

No matter what I’d chose you

I’d chose you

I’d chose you


I remember dreaming  to sleep at night

Wide awake believing I won’t see light

That was before I knew you


One touch from you heals all my problems ur my therapy

Can’t get ur voice out of my head ur like a melody

I swear the day we met you went and took a peice of me

When I bleed

It’s you they see


I never knew how to commit

but that was  before I met you

Before I met you

It’s not like I didn’t wanna love someone

But no one was special

Untill I met you


Even if they told me a million lies

Ain’t soul on earth that could change my mind

No matter what I’d chose you

I’d chose you

I’d chose you


I remember dreaming  to sleep at night

Wide awake believing I won’t see light

That was before I knew you


One touch from you heals all my problems ur my therapy

Can’t get ur voice out of my head ur like a melody

I swear the day we met you went and took a peice of me

When I bleed

It’s you they see


You saw me sinking then you jumped in tryna to rescue me

Nobody thought I was worth saving you believed  in me

You make me feel alive & your bring out the best in me

When I bleed

It’s you they see


Even If I lost all I got in life

Your the only thing I can’t sacrifice

I can’t lose you


Written By : Ali Gatie

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