Dil Mera Lyrics Guru Randhawa Shahkot | Isha Talwar

Dil Mera Lyrics Guru Randhawa Shahkot

Dil Mera Lyrics Guru Randhawa Shahkot | Isha Talwar (Basic Details)

Dil Mera Lyrics Guru Randhawa Shahkot | Isha Talwar (Full Details)

Dil Mera This is a brand new song. Performed By Guru Randhawa,This song has been released on Guru Randhawa Official YouTube channel on Date 20/08/2024 And this song is written by Sandeep Aulakh, And Music : Jatinder Shah Lable : Guru Randhawa

Dil Mera Lyrics Guru Randhawa Shahkot | Isha Talwar (Wtach Video)

Dil Mera Lyrics Guru Randhawa Shahkot | Isha Talwar (Full Lyrics )


Ambra Te chand na kata


Ambra Te chand na kata


Chadhi jave kaisa ye nasha


Chadhi jave kaisa ye nashi


Dil mera kidhar gaya

Dil mera kidhar gaya


Ye ta pehli vaar hoya

Saddo vas so baher hoya

Fer pabba paar hoya



Tere vichcho dis da khuda


Tere vichcho disda khuda


Dil mera kidhar gaya

Dil mera kidhar gaya


Main tere utto wara sara jahan

Kara main sajda tera kara

Na awe zamana tere mere darmiyan

Ve allah


Main tere utto wara sara jahan

Kara main sajda tera kara

Na awe zamana tere mere darmiyan

Ve allah


Hmmm ek tere naa da main

Surma kip aa liya

Duja he jind nu

A valla rog la leya


Hodi hodi kolo lung

Sone much waliya

Raj ke ta vekh layiye

Bohote aave kaleya


Dadeya na hath chhori

Na tu sadda patth chhori

Mahri pave lakh chhori veee

Saan tenu ditte le luta


Saan tenu ditte le luta


Dil mera kidhar gaya

Dil mera kidhar gaya


Main tere utto wara sara jahan

Kara main sajda tera kara

Na awe zamana tere mere darmiyan

Ve allah


Main tere utto wara sara jahan

Kara main sajda tera kara

Na awe zamana tere mere darmiyan

Ve allah


Kitthe dil di lukaayi chabi haye dolna pura karve

Kitthe dil di lukaayi chabi haye soneya assa jaana marve

Kitthe dil di lukaayi chabi haye dolna pura karve

Kitthe dil di lukaayi chabi haye soneya assa jaana marve



Written By : Sandeep Aulakh

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