Iski Bhen Ki Maje Maje song lyrics | Nisha Bhatt

Iski Bhen Ki Maje Maje song lyrics

Iski Bhen Ki Maje Maje song lyrics | Nisha Bhatt (Basic Details)

Basic Information
Song Iski Bhen ki Maje Maje
Singer Preet Sandhu
Lyrics Preet Sandhu
Music Crowny
Lable Navdeep Records

Iski Bhen Ki Maje Maje song lyrics | Nisha Bhatt (Full Details)

Iski Bhen Ki Maje Maje This is a brand new song. sung By Preet Sandhu,  This song has been released on Navdeep Records Office YouTube channel on 28/May/2024 which is written by Preet Sandhu, Music : Crowny, Composer : Crowny, Lable : Navdeep Records.

Iski Bhen Ki Maje Maje song lyrics | Nisha Bhatt (Wtach Video)

Iski Bhen Ki Maje Maje song lyrics | Nisha Bhatt (Full Lyrics )


Khau piu ash kru meri marzi

hesh kru cash kru meri marzi

tu muje papa bole teri marzi

tera dusra mai papa chahe hu mai farzi

are road pe kothi ho kothi me gadi ho gadi k ander ek kanya kuwari ho

aur band je badi ho

dim dim light thodi jage jage


Iski bhen ki maje maje

re iski bhen ki maje maje

Iski bhen ki maje maje

re iski bhen ki maje maje


Ho Iski bhen ki maje maje

Iski bhen ki maje maje

Ho Iski bhen ki maje maje

Iski bhen ki maje maje


Gaon mai seth lage chhora hai tanch

Daru ki botal se krta hai lunch

kharche or parche fiker koi na

mera tau thanedar or chacha  sarpunch


Fortuner ma geda mere sath ghane chhore

hum gumte maje mai mere anti hai rore

nah ikka nah duja mera chlta hai sikka

namm hi hai chhota kaand bade bade


Iski bhen ki maje maje

re iski bhen ki maje maje

Iski bhen ki maje maje

re iski bhen ki maje maje


jan lewa afat hu mai jan le tu chhore

Bade kamm ki cheez hu sambhal le tu chhore

husan k dariya mai bheeg k mai

nsheeli ankho se jamm le tu chhore


sara zamana muje chahta hai pana

maje sath mere ye chahta udana

mere dil ko churana , meri neede udana

mere namm ka chahta h tatto bnana


Chhora mast mlang mai bhi udti patang

kahi katt nah mai jaoo darr lage lage


Iski bhen ki maje maje

re iski bhen ki maje maje

Iski bhen ki maje maje

re iski bhen ki maje maje


Zamin aje vich gt road

mere acount aje 5 6 crood

Roj ghumma challe kaali ford

thailand de trip fir lge lge


are Iski bhen ki maje maje

re iski bhen ki maje maje

Iski bhen ki maje maje

re iski bhen ki maje maje


ek bohti howe chahe chhoti howe

lagi job te kmayi moti howe

wo kamawe manu khlawe

charo paseyo salute manu baze baze


are Iski bhen ki maje maje

re iski bhen ki maje maje

Iski bhen ki maje maje

re iski bhen ki maje maje


Ho Iski bhen ki maje maje

Iski bhen ki maje maje

Ho Iski bhen ki maje maje

Iski bhen ki maje maje


Written By : Preet Sandhu

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