Kahani Meri kaifi khalil lyrics

Kahani Meri kaifi khalil lyrics

Kahani Meri kaifi khalil lyrics (Basic Details)

Song Kahani Meri
Singerkaifi khalil
Lyricskaifi khalil
AlbumAnmol Daniel
Lablekaifi khalil

Kahani Meri kaifi khalil lyrics (Full Video)

Kahani Meri kaifi khalil lyrics (Full Details)

Kahani Meri This is a brand new song of Kaifi khalil This song has been released on kaifi khalil official youtube Channel , which is written by Kaifi Khalil, Vocals: Anmol Daniel, Vocals: Kaifi Khalil, Author: Youngveer, Composer: Anmol Daniel, Lable : Kaifi khalil.

Kahani Meri kaifi khalil lyrics (Read Full Lyrics)


Puccho na mujhse kahani Meri

Kaisi Rahi Zindigani Meri

Puccho na mujhse kahani Meri

Kaisi Rahi Zindigani Meri


Ambar ke sare sitaron se bhi

Apne ghar aur diwaron se bhi

Rakkhi Chhupakar Nishani Teri

Puccho na mujhse kahani Meri

Kaisi Rahi Zindigani Meri


Na Chahu Duwayein

Na chahu Dilasa

Rabse se hai mera ye wajib Gilasa

Hasta zamana mere Aansuon pe

Ishq tha mera na koi Tamasha

Gam me hi Guzri jawani meri

Written by : kaifi khalil

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