Kisi Roz Lyrics Maithili Thakur | Movie | Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha

Maithili Thakur

Kisi Roz Lyrics Maithili Thakur | Movie | Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha (Basic Details)

Basic Information
Song Kisi Roz
Singer Maithili Thakur
Lyrics Manoj Muntashir
Music M.M. Kreem
Lable Zee Music Company

Kisi Roz Lyrics Maithili Thakur | Movie | Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha (Full Details)

Kisi Roz This is a brand new song. sung By Maithili Thakur,  This song has been released on Zee Music Company Office YouTube channel on 29/June/2024 which is written by Manoj Muntashir, Music : M.M. Kreem, Composer : M.M. Kreem, Lable : Zee Music Company.

Kisi Roz Lyrics Maithili Thakur | Movie | Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha (Wtach Video)

Kisi Roz Lyrics Maithili Thakur | Movie | Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha (Full Lyrics )


Kisi Roz Kisi Roz

Kisi Roz Kisi Roz


Kisi Roz Baras jal thal karde

Na aur sato sahib ji

Main yugo yugo ki trishna hu

Tu meri ghata sahib ji

Main yugo yugo ki trishna hu

Tu meri ghata sahib ji


Kisi Roz Kisi Roz

Kisi Roz Baras jal thal karde

Na aur sato sahib ji


Pattahr jag me kach ke lamhe

Kaise saheju samjh na aaye

Tere mere beech me jo hai

Gyani jag ye jaan na paye

Tan me teri juvan talashu

Man me tere chhaap piya

‘bhaap ke jaise pal ud jaye

Preet ko hai ye shrap piya


Kaise roku jal anjoori me

Bhed batau sahib ji


Kisi Roz Kisi Roz

Kisi Roz Baras jal thal karde

Na aur sato sahib ji

Main yugo yugo ki trishna hu

Tu meri ghata sahib ji


Kisi Roz Kisi Roz

Kisi Roz Baras jal thal karde

Na aur sato sahib ji


Written by : Manoj Muntashir


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