Neendran Di Chor Hasan Shah Lyrics | Tanzeel Khan

Neendran Di Chor Hasan Shah Lyrics

Neendran Di Chor Hasan Shah Lyrics | Tanzeel Khan (Basic Details)

Basic Information
Song Neendran Di Chor
Singer Hasan Shah, Tanzeel Khan
Lyrics Hasan Shah, Tanzeel Khan
Mixing and mastering Julian Barfoed
Lable Hasan Shah

Neendran Di Chor Hasan Shah Lyrics | Tanzeel Khan (Full Details)

Neendran Di Chor This is a brand new song. Performed By Hasan Shah, Tanzeel Khan,This song has been released on Hasan Shah Official YouTube channel on Date 05/07/2024 And this song is written by Hasan Shah, Tanzeel Khan, And Mixing and mastering: Julian Barfoed Lable : Hasan Shah

Neendran Di Chor Hasan Shah Lyrics | Tanzeel Khan (Wtach Video)

Neendran Di Chor Hasan Shah Lyrics | Tanzeel Khan (Full Lyrics )


Rahwan teri vekhiyan

Khaban khaban khaban tu

Tu nikalla

Tu mere hai kyu inni door

Thoda nazdeek aaja

Ve aaj kol aaja


Mere kol mere kol

Sirf uthna tere kol

Ve lokko ve lokko

Bas mainu son do


Tere kol tere kol

Sirf uthna tere kol

Mere din nu na tu tod


Tu ve meri neendran di Chor

cho cho chor

Aajan aja mere kol

Ko ko kol

Tu ve meri neendran di Chor

cho cho chor

Main mana mana teri Lod Lo Lo Lod (need)

Tu ve meri neendran di Chor

cho cho chor

Cho cho cho cho chor


Ratta nu aake , Sapna vakha ke

Nashi dila ke, Tu na ja

Kan gungunake

Sannu sula ke

chehra chhupa ke

tu deti saza

Karke majboor tu chali door

Par zara zara ruk ja


Mere kola ja

Tere vargi na koi hor

Teri ek hasi se

Hase London hase Lahore

Zara kol aaja

Rattan nu tu aake dil ni nu na tod

Yu ave kare


Tu hai meri neendran di chor

Chor cho cho chor

Aajan aja mere kol

Ko ko kol

Tu ve meri neendran di Chor

cho cho chor

Main mana mana teri Lod Lo Lo Lod (need)

Tu ve meri neendran di Chor


Gali gali har gali labba main tainu

Jagah jagah vekkha duniya di kabu

Diwana karke na chhor

Han khabba nu na tod


O neendran di chor

cho cho chor

Aajan aja mere Kol ko o ko kol

Tu hai meri neendran di chor

cho cho chor

Main mana mana teri Lod Lo Lo Lod (need)


Tu ve meri neendran di chor

cho cho chor

Aajan aja mere Kol ko ko kol

Tu hai meri neendran di chor

cho cho chor

Main mana mana teri Lod Lo Lo lod (need)

Tu hai meri neendran di chor


Mere kol mere kol

Sirf uthna tere kol

Ve lokko ve lokko

Bas mainu son do


Diwana karke na chhor

Han khabba nu na tod

O neendran di chor


Written By : Hasan Shah, Tanzeel Khan

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